Returns a list of all assets in a project.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Nucleus documentation.

Basic Parameters

Asset NameInsert to filter by a specific asset name.
Asset TypeInsert to Filter by the asset type.
IP AddressInsert to filter by a specific IP address.
LimitSpecify the number of returned results. Valid range is 1-5000.
Project IDThe ID of the project to return its assets.

Advanced Parameters

Assets With FindingsSet to true to retrieve only assets with findings.
Inactive AssetsSet to true to retrieve inactive assets.
Unscanned AssetsSet to true to retrieve only unscanned assets.

Example Output

		"finding_count_fail": 0,
		"operating_system_name": "string",
		"asset_inactive_date": "string",
		"image_manifest": [
		"finding_count_low": 0,
		"ip_address": "string",
		"image_platform_arch": "string",
		"finding_count_medium": 0,
		"support_team": {
			"team_id": 0,
			"team_name": "string"
		"image_registry": "string",
		"asset_criticality_score": "string",
		"asset_id": 0,
		"scan_date_timestamp": 0,
		"image_platform_os_version": "string",
		"asset_name": "string",
		"asset_criticality": "string",
		"image_tags": [
		"image_platform_arch_features": [
		"image_config_digest": "string",
		"branch": "string",
		"mac_address": "string",
		"operating_system_features": [
		"finding_count_critical": 0,
		"operating_system_version": "string",
		"scan_date": "string",
		"finding_count_informational": 0,
		"finding_count_high": 0,
		"image_platform_os_features": [
		"asset_data_sensitivity_score": "string",
		"ip_address_secondary": [
		"repo_url": "string",
		"active": true,
		"image_distro": "string",
		"image_config": "string",
		"asset_type": "string",
		"image_secondary_registries": [
		"owner_team": {
			"team_id": 0,
			"team_name": "string"
		"image_repo": "string",
		"asset_info": {
			"infoKey": "infoValue"
		"finding_vulnerability_score": 0,
		"asset_base_risk_score": "string",
		"asset_complianced_score": "string",
		"image_platform_os": "string",
		"asset_public": "string",
		"business_owners": [
		"finding_count_pass": 0,
		"asset_name_secondary": [
		"asset_groups": [
		"image_manifest_digest": "string",
		"image_platform_arch_variant": "string"

Workflow Library Example

List Assets with Nucleus and Send Results Via Email

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