
PayloadList of the text samples you wish to scan, separated by a comma.
Policy UUIDsA policy UUID to scan the request payload. Policies can be built in the Nightfall Dashboard.For more information on creating policies refer to the Nightfall AI Documentation.
Rule UUIDA comma-separated list of detection rules UUIDs which are used to scan the request payload.
Search BySearch either by rules or policy.

Example Output

{    "findings": [        [            {                "finding": "",                "detector": {                    "name": "Email address",                    "uuid": "a12252c4-0f36-a3d6-ad9o-frf8334f44e8"                },                "confidence": "VERY_LIKELY",                "location": {                    "byteRange": {                        "start": 0,                        "end": 15                    },                    "codepointRange": {                        "start": 0,                        "end": 15                    },                    "rowRange": null,                    "columnRange": null,                    "commitHash": "",                    "commitAuthor": ""                },                "matchedDetectionRuleUUIDs": [                    "a12252c4-0f36-a3d6-ad9o-frf8334f44e8"                ],                "matchedDetectionRules": []            }        ]    ],    "redactedPayload": [        ""    ]}

Workflow Library Example

Scan Text with Nightfall Ai and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop