Retrieves a collection of Machines that have communicated with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint cloud.

The following permissions are required to run this action:

  • Machine.Read.All
  • Machine.ReadWrite.All

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Microsoft Defender For Endpoints documentation.


FilterThe filter to apply on the operation. You can filter by computerDnsName, id, version, deviceValue, aadDeviceId, machineTags, lastSeen,exposureLevel, onboardingStatus, lastIpAddress, healthStatus, osPlatform, riskScore and rbacGroupId.For more information:

Example Output

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Machines",
    "value": [
            "id": "1e5bc9d7e413ddd7902c2932e418702b84d0cc07",
            "computerDnsName": "",
            "firstSeen": "2018-08-02T14:55:03.7791856Z",
            "lastSeen": "2018-08-02T14:55:03.7791856Z",
            "osPlatform": "Windows10" "Windows11",
            "version": "1709",
            "osProcessor": "x64",
            "lastIpAddress": "",
            "lastExternalIpAddress": "",
            "osBuild": 18209,
            "healthStatus": "Active",
            "rbacGroupId": 140,
            "rbacGroupName": "The-A-Team",
            "riskScore": "Low",
            "exposureLevel": "Medium",
            "isAadJoined": true,
            "aadDeviceId": "80fe8ff8-2624-418e-9591-41f0491218f9",
            "machineTags": [ "test tag 1", "test tag 2" ]

Workflow Library Example

List Machines with Microsoft Defender for Endpoints and Send Results Via Email

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