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List Devices

Get details of devices from the inventory. The data returned by this action corresponds to the Devices table in the dashboard.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Medigate documentation.


FieldsSpecify which fields to return for each item.

Example Output

"devices": [
"ip_list": [
"device_type": "xxx",
"device_subcategory": "xxx",
"uid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"asset_id": "xxxxxxxx",
"device_category": "xxx",
"network_list": [
"mac_list": [
"risk_score_points": xx.xx,
"risk_score": "xxx"

Workflow Library Example

List Devices with Medigate and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop