
Availability for Client-Side SDKsWhether to enable availability for client-side SDKs.
Availability for Mobile SDKsWhether to enable availability for mobile SDKs.
DescriptionDescription of the feature flag.
Feature Flag to CopyThe key of the feature flag to be cloned. The key identifies the flag in your code. For example, setting clone=flagKey copies the full targeting configuration for all environments, including on/off state, from the original flag to the new flag.
KeyA unique key used to reference the flag in your code.
NameA human-friendly name for the feature flag.
Project KeyThe project key.
TemporaryWhether the flag is a temporary flag. Defaults to true.

Example Output

{    "_links": {        "parent": {            "href": "/api/v2/flags/my-project",            "type": "application/json"        },        "self": {            "href": "/api/v2/flags/my-project/my-flag",            "type": "application/json"        }    },    "_maintainer": {        "_id": "569f183514f4432160000007",        "_links": {            "self": {                "href": "/api/v2/members/569f183514f4432160000007",                "type": "application/json"            }        },        "email": "",        "firstName": "An",        "lastName": "Example",        "role": "owner"    },    "_version": 1,    "archived": false,    "archivedDate": 0,    "clientSideAvailability": {        "usingEnvironmentId": false,        "usingMobileKey": false    },    "creationDate": 0,    "customProperties": {},    "defaults": {        "offVariation": 1,        "onVariation": 0    },    "description": "This flag controls the example widgets",    "environments": {        "my-environment": {            "_environmentName": "My Environment",            "_site": {                "href": "/default/my-environment/features/client-side-flag",                "type": "text/html"            },            "_summary": {                "prerequisites": 0,                "variations": {                    "0": {                        "isFallthrough": true,                        "nullRules": 0,                        "rules": 0,                        "targets": 0                    },                    "1": {                        "isOff": true,                        "nullRules": 0,                        "rules": 0,                        "targets": 0                    }                }            },            "archived": false,            "fallthrough": {                "variation": 0            },            "lastModified": 1627071171347,            "offVariation": 1,            "on": false,            "prerequisites": [],            "rules": [],            "salt": "61eddeadbeef4da1facecafe3a60a397",            "sel": "810edeadbeef4844facecafe438f2999492",            "targets": [],            "trackEvents": false,            "trackEventsFallthrough": false,            "version": 1        }    },    "experiments": {        "baselineIdx": 0,        "items": [            {                "_environmentSettings": {},                "_metric": {                    "_access": {                        "allowed": [                            {                                "action": "string",                                "reason": {                                    "actions": [                                        "string"                                    ],                                    "effect": "string",                                    "notActions": [                                        "string"                                    ],                                    "notResources": [                                        "string"                                    ],                                    "resources": [                                        "string"                                    ],                                    "role_name": "string"                                }                            }                        ],                        "denied": [                            {                                "action": "string",                                "reason": {                                    "actions": [                                        "string"                                    ],                                    "effect": "string",                                    "notActions": [                                        "string"                                    ],                                    "notResources": [                                        "string"                                    ],                                    "resources": [                                        "string"                                    ],                                    "role_name": "string"                                }                            }                        ]                    },                    "_attachedFlagCount": 0,                    "_creationDate": 0,                    "_id": "5902deadbeef667524a01290",                    "_links": {                        "parent": {                            "href": "/api/v2/metrics/my-project",                            "type": "application/json"                        },                        "self": {                            "href": "/api/v2/metrics/my-project/my-metric",                            "type": "application/json"                        }                    },                    "_maintainer": {                        "_id": "569f183514f4432160000007",                        "_links": {                            "self": {                                "href": "/api/v2/members/569f183514f4432160000007",                                "type": "application/json"                            }                        },                        "email": "",                        "firstName": "An",                        "lastName": "Example",                        "role": "owner"                    },                    "_site": {                        "href": "string",                        "type": "string"                    },                    "description": "string",                    "eventKey": "string",                    "isNumeric": false,                    "key": "my-metric",                    "kind": "string",                    "lastModified": {                        "date": "2021-08-05T19:46:31.148082Z"                    },                    "maintainerId": "569fdeadbeef1644facecafe",                    "name": "my-metric",                    "successCriteria": "string",                    "tags": [],                    "unit": "string"                },                "environments": [                    "production",                    "test",                    "my-environment"                ],                "metricKey": "my-metric"            }        ]    },    "goalIds": [],    "includeInSnippet": true,    "key": "my-flag",    "kind": "boolean",    "maintainerId": "569f183514f4432160000007",    "name": "My Flag",    "tags": [        "example-tag"    ],    "temporary": true,    "variations": [        {            "_id": "e432f62b-55f6-49dd-a02f-eb24acf39d05",            "value": true        },        {            "_id": "a00bf58d-d252-476c-b915-15a74becacb4",            "value": false        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

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