Retrieve all of the available data about a specific event based on the ID supplied.


Event IDThe ID of the event to retrieve. Can be retrieved from the ‘List Events’ action.

Example Output

	"data": {
		"id": 0,
		"user": {
			"email": "string",
			"id": 0,
			"archived": true
		"external_id": "string",
		"source": "string",
		"description": "string",
		"occurred_date": "2019-08-24",
		"risk": {
			"level": 0,
			"factor": 0,
			"decay_mode": "string",
			"expire_date": "string"
		"event_type": {
			"id": 0,
			"name": "string"

Workflow Library Example

Get Event with Knowbe4 Events and Send Results Via Email

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