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Search Networks

Searches for networks within the designated client.

Basic Parameters

Client IDThe unique identifier of the client.
Fieldthe field to be queried.
Filter OperatorSelect the operator to filter by.
Projection TypeThe granularity of the results.
QueryThe query to filter results by.

Advanced Parameters

PageThe page number of results to return.
SizeThe number of results per page to return.

Example Output

"errors": [],
"page": {
"size": <PAGESIZE>,
"totalElements": <TOTALELEMENTS>,
"totalPages": <TOTALPAGES>,
"number": <PAGENUMBER>
"_embedded": {
"networks": [
"id": <NETWORKID>,
"clientId": <CLIENTID>,
"name": "<NETWORKNAME>",
"type": "<NETWORKTYPE>",
"locked": <LOCKED>,
"hostCount": <HOSTCOUNT>,
"appCount": <APPCOUNT>,
"dbCount": <DBCOUNT>,
"connectorCount": <CONNECTORCOUNT>
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "<CLIENTID>/network/search?page=<PAGENUMBER>&size=<PAGESIZE>&sort=<SORTFIELD>,<SORTDIRECTION>"

Workflow Library Example

Search Networks with Ivanti Risksense and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop