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Get Domain Details

Retrieve details of all websites associated with the current account.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Imperva documentation.


Domain IDThe Imperva ID of the domain. Can be obtained by the Get Site Domains action.
Site IDThe Imperva ID of the onboarded website. Can be obtained by the Get Sites action.

Example Output

"id": 440,
"siteId": 66575115,
"domain": "",
"autoDiscovered": true,
"mainDomain": false,
"managed": false,
"subDomains": [
"id": 320,
"subDomain": "",
"lastDiscoveredTime": 1655140751000,
"creationTime": 1655140751000
"validationMethod": "CNAME",
"validationCode": "",
"cnameRedirectionRecord": "",
"status": "BYPASSED",
"creationDate": 1655140751000

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