New Chat Message

Triggers a workflow on every new message in a given Space or Chat.

Workflows based on this trigger will search for new events every 5 minutes.

Basic Parameters

Space Or Chat NameThe Space or the Chat name of the space to list messages from.Format: `spaces/

Advanced Parameters

Delegated User OverridePerform the action on behalf of another user, overriding the delegated user defined in the connection.If not specified, the delegated user is the one provided in the connection.Has no effect when using an OAuth connection.NOTE: the connection details are not edited by this input.

Sample Event

	"name": "spaces/AAAbnh123/messages/DGLE231_dsa2.DAuNixz5M_U",
	"sender": {
		"name": "users/23427349871239123",
		"type": "HUMAN"
	"createTime": "2023-08-23T10:48:02.634495Z",
	"text": "This is the text of Google Chat",
	"thread": {
		"name": "spaces/AAAbnh123/threads/DGLE231_dsa2"
	"space": {
		"name": "spaces/AAAbnh123"
	"argumentText": "test",
	"emojiReactionSummaries": [
			"emoji": {
				"unicode": "😅"
			"reactionCount": 1

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