To learn more, visit the Google Calendar documentation.

Basic Parameters

Calendar IDCalendar identifier. To retrieve calendar IDs use the List Calendars action.
Order ByThe order of the events returned in the result.Acceptable values are:Start Time Ascending: Order by the start time. This is only available when querying single events (i.e. the parameter Single Events is True).Update Time Ascending: Order by last modification time.
Return All PagesAutomatically fetch all resources, page by page.
Single EventsWhether to expand recurring events into instances and only return single one-off events and instances of recurring events, but not the underlying recurring events themselves.
Time MaxUpper bound for an event’s start time to filter by.
Time MinLower bound for an event’s end time to filter by.

Advanced Parameters

Delegated User OverridePerform the action on behalf of another user, overriding the delegated user defined in the connection.If not specified, the delegated user is the one provided in the connection.Has no effect when using an OAuth connection.NOTE: the connection details are not edited by this input.
Event ID (iCalendar format)Specifies an event ID in the iCalendar format to be provided in the response. Use this if you want to search for an event by its iCalendar ID.
Event TypesEvent types to return. If unset, returns all event types.
LimitMaximum number of events returned on one result page. Valid range is 0 - 2500.
Page TokenToken specifying which result page to return. The token is returned in the nextPageToken key when there are more records to return.
Show DeletedWhether to include deleted events (with status equals “cancelled”) in the result.
Updated MinLower bound for an event’s last modification time to filter by.

Example Output

{  "kind": "calendar#events",  "etag": etag,  "summary": string,  "description": string,  "updated": datetime,  "timeZone": string,  "accessRole": string,  "defaultReminders": [    {      "method": string,      "minutes": integer    }  ],  "nextPageToken": string,  "nextSyncToken": string,  "items": [    {      "kind": "calendar#event",      "etag": etag,      "id": string,      "status": string,      "htmlLink": string,      "created": datetime,      "updated": datetime,      "summary": string,      "description": string,      "location": string,      "colorId": string,      "creator": {        "id": string,        "email": string,        "displayName": string,        "self": boolean      },      "organizer": {        "id": string,        "email": string,        "displayName": string,        "self": boolean      },      "start": {        "date": date,        "dateTime": datetime,        "timeZone": string      },      "end": {        "date": date,        "dateTime": datetime,        "timeZone": string      },      "endTimeUnspecified": boolean,      "recurrence": [        string      ],      "recurringEventId": string,      "originalStartTime": {        "date": date,        "dateTime": datetime,        "timeZone": string      },      "transparency": string,      "visibility": string,      "iCalUID": string,      "sequence": integer,      "attendees": [        {          "id": string,          "email": string,          "displayName": string,          "organizer": boolean,          "self": boolean,          "resource": boolean,          "optional": boolean,          "responseStatus": string,          "comment": string,          "additionalGuests": integer        }      ],      "attendeesOmitted": boolean,      "extendedProperties": {        "private": {          (key): string        },        "shared": {          (key): string        }      },      "hangoutLink": string,      "conferenceData": {        "createRequest": {          "requestId": string,          "conferenceSolutionKey": {            "type": string          },          "status": {            "statusCode": string          }        },        "entryPoints": [          {            "entryPointType": string,            "uri": string,            "label": string,            "pin": string,            "accessCode": string,            "meetingCode": string,            "passcode": string,            "password": string          }        ],        "conferenceSolution": {          "key": {            "type": string          },          "name": string,          "iconUri": string        },        "conferenceId": string,        "signature": string,        "notes": string,      },      "gadget": {        "type": string,        "title": string,        "link": string,        "iconLink": string,        "width": integer,        "height": integer,        "display": string,        "preferences": {          (key): string        }      },      "anyoneCanAddSelf": boolean,      "guestsCanInviteOthers": boolean,      "guestsCanModify": boolean,      "guestsCanSeeOtherGuests": boolean,      "privateCopy": boolean,      "locked": boolean,      "reminders": {        "useDefault": boolean,        "overrides": [          {            "method": string,            "minutes": integer          }        ]      },      "source": {        "url": string,        "title": string      },      "workingLocationProperties": {        "type": string,        "homeOffice": (value),        "customLocation": {          "label": string        },        "officeLocation": {          "buildingId": string,          "floorId": string,          "floorSectionId": string,          "deskId": string,          "label": string        }      },      "outOfOfficeProperties": {        "autoDeclineMode": string,        "declineMessage": string      },      "focusTimeProperties": {        "autoDeclineMode": string,        "declineMessage": string,        "chatStatus": string      },      "attachments": [        {          "fileUrl": string,          "title": string,          "mimeType": string,          "iconLink": string,          "fileId": string        }      ],      "eventType": string    }  ]}

Workflow Library Example

List Events with Google Calendar and Send Results Via Email

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