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Set HA Configuration

Configure your Fortigate High Availability failover.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the FortiGate documentation.


Group NameName of the HA cluster.
Heartbeat InterfacesA list of ports and their priority, or a single port with max priority (priority can be 0-512).
Example: "port2" 512 "port3" 512.
ModeHA mode to configure. To configure Active-Active mode, choose "a-a". To configure Active-Passive mode, choose "a-p".
Monitor InterfacesOptional list of ports (space delimited). Example: "port2" "port3".
PasswordEnter a password to identify the HA cluster. The maximum password length is 15 characters.
PriorityThe device's priority. The device with the highest priority is more likely to become the HA primary.
The priority range spans from 0 to 255.

Example Output

"http_method": "put",
"revision": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"revision_changed": xxxx,
"status": "xxxxxxxx",
"http_status": xxx,
"vdom": "xxxx",
"path": "xxxxxxxx",
"name": "xx",
"serial": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"version": "xxx.x.x",
"build": xxxx

Workflow Library Example

Set Ha Configuration with Fortigate and Send Results Via Email

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