List Identifier Events
Retrieve a list of events matching an identifier.
External Documentation
To learn more, visit the documentation.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Azure Tenant | The Azure tenant to query by. |
Bin | The bin to query by. |
Brand Name | The brand name to query by. |
Domain FQDN | The complete domain name to query by. |
The email to query by. | |
Filters Type | Filter events by their type. |
First Name | The first name to query by. |
IP Address | The IP address to query by. |
Identifier ID | The Event identifier ID. |
Keyword | The keyword to query by. |
Last Name | The last name to query by. |
Order | The order in which the results will be returned. |
Query String | The query string to search by. |
Query Type | The type of query you would like to apply. |
Repo Name | The repo name to query by. |
Repo Owner | The repo owner to query by. |
Return All Pages | Automatically fetch all resources, page by page. |
Severity | Filter events by their severity. |
Strict Search | Ensure only exact matches are returned, ignoring partial matches. |
Username | The username to query by. |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
From | Cursor from which you want to continue paginating. The value comes from the next field in the response. |
Page Size | Limit the number of events that will be returned. Valid range is 1 - 10. |
Timestamp Greater Than | Fetch events that were created after a specified timestamp. |
Timestamp Less Than | Fetch events that were created before a specified timestamp. |
Example Output
"items": [
"metadata": {
"estimated_created_at": "2019-09-20T16:30:37.589388Z",
"type": "listing",
"uid": "listing/apollon_market/9861",
"severity": "critical"
"tenant_metadata": {
"severity": {
"original": "low",
"override": "critical"
"tags": [
"notes": "This reason why this is tagged as 'important' is: ..."
"identifiers": [
"id": 1,
"name": "An identifier"
"highlights": {
"description": [
"Bank Statement PSD <mark>Template</mark>\r\n\r\nWe promise:\r\n- Your order will be delivered instantly."
"title": [
"Bank Statement PSD <mark>Template</mark>"
"next": "WzE1Njg5OTcwMzc1ODksICJsaXN0aW5nL2Fwb2xsb25fbWFya2V0Lzk4NjEiXQ%3D%3D"
Workflow Library Example
List Identifier Events with Flareio and Send Results Via Email
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