Basic Parameters

End TimeEnd date and time of search range.
SeverityFilter results to only return findings with the specified severity.
Start TimeStart date and time of search range.
StatusFilter results to only return findings with the specified status.

Advanced Parameters

AfterReturns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
FirstReturns the first n elements from the list.

Example Output

{    "data": {        "Findings": {            "nodes": [                {                    "Title": "Title1",                    "Status": "Open",                    "Severity": "Low",                    "CreationTime": "2022-02-01T16:01:23.058Z",                    "Provider": "AWS",                    "ID": "00000000-00000000-00000000-00000",                    "Description": "Random description"                }            ],            "pageInfo": {                "hasNextPage": true,                "endCursor": "ewogICJTb3J0VmFsdWVzIjogWwogICAgMTY0NTQwMjI3NjM1NiwKICAgICIyOTdhYzY2Zi02NzM5LTQwNWYtODM3MC1lZDBhNmMwOTZlZjciCiAgXQp9"            }        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

on Ermetic User Anomaly Run Remediation Flow

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