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QueryThe name or hash of an endpoint process to lookup.Must be a Windows filename with extension, a SHA256 hash of a windows process, or a md5 hash of a windows process.If the search yields no results, the response will include the message: EchoTrail has never observed X executing in the wild.

Example Output

{    "description": "Svchost.exe is the name for services that run from dynamic-linked libraries (DLLs). The Service Host... ",    "rank": 11,    "host_prev": "95.3",    "eps": "96.70",    "paths": [        [            "c:\\windows\\system32",            "99.99"        ],        [            "c:\\windows\\syswow64",            "0.00"        ],        [            "c:\\windows\\temp",            "0.00"        ]    ],    "parents": [        [            "services.exe",            "99.88"        ],        [            "msmpeng.exe",            "0.11"        ],        [            "svchost.exe",            "0.00"        ]    ],    "children": [        [            "wmiprvse.exe",            "19.99"        ],        [            "backgroundtaskhost.exe",            "11.60"        ],        [            "runtimebroker.exe",            "6.47"        ],        [            "dllhost.exe",            "6.30"        ]    ],    "grandparents": [        [            "wininit.exe",            "99.87"        ],        [            "services.exe",            "0.13"        ],        [            "explorer.exe",            "0.00"        ]    ],    "hashes": [        [            "b868487f8edbd0571d30d89573f087bfeac3da190652344afd351b1868ea0f8b",            "65.81"        ],        [            "9f21e51442209bcec0ea4a468ef8a4741685ae204d5063f4c3e45e1f8cf72643",            "26.25"        ],        [            "c9a28dc8004c3e043cbf8e3a194fda2b756ce90740df2175488337281b485f69",            "4.12"        ],        [            "c7db4ae8175c33a47baa3ddfa089fad17bc8e362f21e835d78ab22c9231fe370",            "1.81"        ],        [            "438b6ccd84f4dd32d9684ed7d58fd7d1e5a75fe3f3d12ab6c788e6bb0ffad5e7",            "1.15"        ]    ],    "network": [        [            "443",            "45.15"        ],        [            "80",            "32.48"        ],        [            "5355",            "0.61"        ],        [            "1900",            "0.39"        ],        [            "5353",            "0.30"        ]    ],    "intel": "It is normal to see many svchost processes running on a single machine. It usually has elevated privileges and... "}

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