Basic Parameters

HeadersRequest Headers to be added to the request in the format Name: Value. For example: Content-Type: application/json.
Request BodyJSON data to send in the request body.
Request URLThe URL or API endpoint to communicate with. You may specify onlya relative endpoint path: For example, for an action in url is enough to specify only /path.
Token TypeWhich token type to use in the request.

Advanced Parameters

CookiesWeb cookies to include in the request in the format Name: Value. For example: Session: gr32tsd266yfg3u3t132kyl.
Disable SSL EnforcementEnable this option to skip SSL verification of the server’s certificate chain and host name. This may increase security vulnerabilities, but can be useful for testing or when custom verification is employed.
Retry On Rate LimitIf enabled, and when rate limits are reached, the system will retry the HTTP request after the designated time period specified in the rate limit headers or through the use of exponential backoff.

Workflow Library Example

Dataset Custom Action and Send Results Via Email

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