
Condition ThresholdThe number of log occurrences that is needed to trigger the alert.
Condition TimeframeThe bounded time frame for the threshold to be occurred within, to trigger the alert.
Condition TypeType of condition.
ExpirationAlert expiration date (to the day).
Is ActiveDetermines whether the alert is active or not.
Log Filter Filter TypeType of the log filter.
Log Filter TextThe log text that we wanted to be notified on. Can be in an advanced format for more accurate results (required when choosing Filter Type as template).
NameAlert name.
Notifications EmailsA comma-separated list of email address to notify when the alert was triggered.
Notifications IntegrationsA comma-separated list of integration channels to notify when the alert was triggered (Each item in the array is the alias name of the integration).
SeverityAlert severity.

Example Output

{    "status": "success",    "message": "Alert created successfully",    "alert_id": [        "ae91e24e-68a9-4f45-97db-4ee837952991"    ],    "unique_identifier": [        "72bfcf0c-088d-4c14-a5f6-b51420efd06a"    ]}

Workflow Library Example

Create Alert with Coralogix and Send Results Via Email

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