Partial update of an Insight alert configuration by id.

Basic Parameters

CategoryCategory of the alert.
DescriptionDescription of the alert.
Email TargetsA comma-separated list of configured email targets to send alert notification to.
IDThe ID of the alert to update.
Is MutedMute/Unmute the alert.
NameName of the alert.

Advanced Parameters

IntervalTriggering the alert at the numeric interval.
Interval UnitThe unit used for the numeric interval parameter (either “minute” or “hour”).
Is EnabledEnable/Disable the alert.
SeveritySeverity of the alert.
Sms TargetsA comma-separated list of configured SMS targets to send alert notification to.
SubcategorySub category is the template name of the alert.
ThresholdTriggering the alert when reaching the specified numeric threshold value.

Example Output

	"_links": {
		"self": {
			"href": ""
		"first": {
			"href": ""
	"_embedded": {
		"items": [
				"id": 1,
				"name": "User WatchList",
				"description": "List of users who are monitored for authentication failures",
				"category": "WatchList",
				"subcategory": "User WatchList",
				"email_targets": [],
				"sms_targets": [],
				"config": {
					"filter": {}
				"severity": "warning",
				"threshold": 1,
				"interval": 5,
				"interval_unit": "minute",
				"is_enabled": false,
				"is_muted": false,
				"_links": {
					"self": {
						"href": ""

Workflow Library Example

Update Insight Alert Configuration with Clearpass and Send Results Via Email

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