
Message IDThe ID of the message to move or delete. Can be retrieved form the ‘List Messages’ action.
OperationChoose to move or delete given message.

Example Output

{    "authenticity": 0,    "date": "2024-01-29T20:58:35.159Z",    "domain_reputation": 0,    "from": "",    "from_domain": "",    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",    "mail_from": "",    "message_id": "string",    "message_trust_score": 0,    "reply_to": "",    "sbrs": "string",    "uris": [        "string"    ],    "subject": "string",    "timestamp_ms": 0,    "to": "string",    "authentication_results": "string",    "dkim_d_tag": "string",    "matched_policies": [        "string"    ],    "risk_reason": {},    "sending_ip_address": "string"}

Workflow Library Example

Remediate Suspicious Message with Cisco Advanced Phishing Protection and Send Results Via Email

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