Create a search event logs task. All request parameters are optional and have predefined default values.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Check Point Infinity Events documentation.

Basic Parameters

Account IDsA comma seperated or a json list of MSP children account IDs to filter event logs by.
Cloud ServiceFilter event logs by specific Check Point product.
End TimeThe end time of the search event logs task.
FilterFilter query in Lucene syntax.For example: src:"" AND severity:"Critical"
Start TimeThe start time of the search event logs task.

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe number of event logs to be retrieved between 10 and 10000. Default is set to 100.
Page LimitThe number of event logs on page between 10 and 1000. Default is set to 100.

Example Output

	"success": true,
	"data": {
		"taskId": "b156375f-c439-47da-aca5-eb0fc0a9aeb6"

Workflow Library Example

Search Security Event Logs with Check Point Infinity Events and Send Results Via Email

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