Returns a paginated list of all repositories owned by the specified account or UUID.

The result can be narrowed down based on the authenticated user’s role.

E.g. with ?role=contributor, only those repositories that the authenticated user has write access to are returned (this includes any repo the user is an admin on, as that implies write access).

This endpoint also supports filtering and sorting of the results. See filtering and sorting for more details.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Bitbucket documentation.


Workspace SlugThis can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUIDsurrounded by curly-braces, for example: {workspace UUID}.

Example Output

	"next": "Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.",
	"page": 0,
	"pagelen": 0,
	"previous": "Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.",
	"size": 0,
	"values": [
			"created_on": "date-time",
			"description": "string",
			"fork_policy": "\nControls the rules for forking this repository.\n\n* **allow_forks**: unrestricted forking\n* **no_public_forks**: restrict forking to private forks (forks cannot\n  be made public later)\n* **no_forks**: deny all forking\n",
			"full_name": "The concatenation of the repository owner's username and the slugified name, e.g. \"evzijst/interruptingcow\". This is the same string used in Bitbucket URLs.",
			"has_issues": false,
			"has_wiki": false,
			"is_private": false,
			"language": "string",
			"links": {
				"avatar": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
				"clone": [
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
				"commits": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
				"downloads": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
				"forks": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
				"hooks": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
				"html": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
				"pullrequests": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
				"self": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
				"watchers": {
					"href": "uri",
					"name": "string"
			"mainbranch": {
				"default_merge_strategy": "The default merge strategy for pull requests targeting this branch.",
				"links": {
					"commits": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
					"html": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
					"self": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
				"merge_strategies": [
				"name": "The name of the ref.",
				"target": {
					"author": {
						"raw": "The raw author value from the repository. This may be the only value available if the author does not match a user in Bitbucket.",
						"type": "string",
						"user": {
							"account_status": "The status of the account. Currently the only possible value is \"active\", but more values may be added in the future.",
							"created_on": "date-time",
							"display_name": "string",
							"has_2fa_enabled": false,
							"links": {
								"avatar": {
									"href": "uri",
									"name": "string"
								"followers": {
									"href": "uri",
									"name": "string"
								"following": {
									"href": "uri",
									"name": "string"
								"html": {
									"href": "uri",
									"name": "string"
								"repositories": {
									"href": "uri",
									"name": "string"
								"self": {
									"href": "uri",
									"name": "string"
							"nickname": "Account name defined by the owner. Should be used instead of the \"username\" field. Note that \"nickname\" cannot be used in place of \"username\" in URLs and queries, as \"nickname\" is not guaranteed to be unique.",
							"type": "string",
							"username": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$",
							"uuid": "string",
							"website": "string"
					"date": "date-time",
					"hash": "[0-9a-f]{7,}?",
					"message": "string",
					"parents": [
					"participants": [
							"approved": false,
							"participated_on": "The ISO8601 timestamp of the participant's action. For approvers, this is the time of their approval. For commenters and pull request reviewers who are not approvers, this is the time they last commented, or null if they have not commented.",
							"role": "string",
							"state": "string",
							"type": "string",
							"user": {
								"account_id": "The user's Atlassian account ID.",
								"account_status": "The status of the account. Currently the only possible value is \"active\", but more values may be added in the future.",
								"created_on": "date-time",
								"display_name": "string",
								"has_2fa_enabled": false,
								"is_staff": false,
								"links": {
									"avatar": {
										"href": "uri",
										"name": "string"
									"followers": {
										"href": "uri",
										"name": "string"
									"following": {
										"href": "uri",
										"name": "string"
									"html": {
										"href": "uri",
										"name": "string"
									"repositories": {
										"href": "uri",
										"name": "string"
									"self": {
										"href": "uri",
										"name": "string"
								"nickname": "Account name defined by the owner. Should be used instead of the \"username\" field. Note that \"nickname\" cannot be used in place of \"username\" in URLs and queries, as \"nickname\" is not guaranteed to be unique.",
								"type": "string",
								"username": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$",
								"uuid": "string",
								"website": "string"
					"summary": {
						"html": "The user's content rendered as HTML.",
						"markup": "The type of markup language the raw content is to be interpreted in.",
						"raw": "The text as it was typed by a user."
					"type": "string"
				"type": "string"
			"name": "string",
			"owner": {
				"account_status": "The status of the account. Currently the only possible value is \"active\", but more values may be added in the future.",
				"created_on": "date-time",
				"display_name": "string",
				"has_2fa_enabled": false,
				"links": {
					"avatar": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
					"followers": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
					"following": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
					"html": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
					"repositories": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
					"self": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
				"nickname": "Account name defined by the owner. Should be used instead of the \"username\" field. Note that \"nickname\" cannot be used in place of \"username\" in URLs and queries, as \"nickname\" is not guaranteed to be unique.",
				"type": "string",
				"username": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$",
				"uuid": "string",
				"website": "string"
			"project": {
				"created_on": "date-time",
				"description": "string",
				"has_publicly_visible_repos": false,
				"is_private": false,
				"key": "The project's key.",
				"links": {
					"avatar": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
					"html": {
						"href": "uri",
						"name": "string"
				"name": "The name of the project.",
				"owner": {
					"account_status": "The status of the account. Currently the only possible value is \"active\", but more values may be added in the future.",
					"created_on": "date-time",
					"display_name": "string",
					"has_2fa_enabled": false,
					"links": {
						"avatar": {
							"href": "uri",
							"name": "string"
						"followers": {
							"href": "uri",
							"name": "string"
						"following": {
							"href": "uri",
							"name": "string"
						"html": {
							"href": "uri",
							"name": "string"
						"repositories": {
							"href": "uri",
							"name": "string"
						"self": {
							"href": "uri",
							"name": "string"
					"nickname": "Account name defined by the owner. Should be used instead of the \"username\" field. Note that \"nickname\" cannot be used in place of \"username\" in URLs and queries, as \"nickname\" is not guaranteed to be unique.",
					"type": "string",
					"username": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$",
					"uuid": "string",
					"website": "string"
				"type": "string",
				"updated_on": "date-time",
				"uuid": "The project's immutable id."
			"scm": "string",
			"size": 0,
			"type": "string",
			"updated_on": "date-time",
			"uuid": "The repository's immutable id. This can be used as a substitute for the slug segment in URLs. Doing this guarantees your URLs will survive renaming of the repository by its owner, or even transfer of the repository to a different user."

Workflow Library Example

List Workspace Repos with Bitbucket and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop