List Blobs
List all blobs in a container.
External Documentation
To learn more, visit the Azure Storage documentation.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Container Name | The name of the container. Can be obtained from the List Containers action. |
Limit | The amount of the results to be returned. |
Prefix | Filter by a given prefix. |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Disable XML To JSON Auto Convert | When checked, XML responses are not automatically converted into JSON format. |
Marker | Paginate by the returning NextMarker pagination token. |
Example Output
"EnumerationResults": {
"Prefix": "string-value",
"Marker": "string-value",
"MaxResults": "int-value",
"Delimiter": "string-value",
"Blobs": {
"Blob": {
"Name": "blob-name",
"Snapshot": "date-time-value",
"VersionId": "date-time-vlue",
"IsCurrentVersion": "true",
"Deleted": "true",
"Properties": {
"Creation-Time": "date-time-value",
"Last-Modified": "date-time-value",
"Etag": "etag",
"Owner": "owner user id",
"Group": "owning group id",
"Permissions": "permission string",
"Acl": "access control list",
"ResourceType": "file | directory",
"Placeholder": "true",
"Content-Length": "size-in-bytes",
"Content-Type": "blob-content-type",
"Content-Encoding": "",
"Content-Language": "",
"Content-MD5": "",
"Cache-Control": "",
"x-ms-blob-sequence-number": "sequence-number",
"BlobType": "BlockBlob|PageBlob|AppendBlob",
"AccessTier": "tier",
"LeaseStatus": "locked|unlocked",
"LeaseState": "available | leased | expired | breaking | broken",
"LeaseDuration": "infinite | fixed",
"CopyId": "id",
"CopyStatus": "pending | success | aborted | failed",
"CopySource": "source url",
"CopyProgress": "bytes copied/bytes total",
"CopyCompletionTime": "datetime",
"CopyStatusDescription": "error string",
"ServerEncrypted": "true",
"CustomerProvidedKeySha256": "encryption-key-sha256",
"EncryptionContext": "encryption-context",
"EncryptionScope": "encryption-scope-name",
"IncrementalCopy": "true",
"AccessTierInferred": "true",
"AccessTierChangeTime": "datetime",
"DeletedTime": "datetime",
"RemainingRetentionDays": "no-of-days",
"TagCount": "number of tags between 1 to 10",
"RehydratePriority": "rehydrate priority",
"Expiry-Time": "date-time-value"
"Metadata": {
"Name": "value"
"Tags": {
"TagSet": {
"Tag": {
"Key": "TagName",
"Value": "TagValue"
"OrMetadata": ""
"BlobPrefix": {
"Name": "blob-prefix"
"NextMarker": "",
"_ServiceEndpoint": "",
"_ContainerName": "mycontainer"
Workflow Library Example
List Blobs with Azure Storage and Send Results Via Email
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