List all groups with an optional filter string.

At this time, the List Groups action is only capable of returning up to 50 results.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the AWS IAM Identity Center documentation.


FilterValid filter string.Supported filter combinations: (displayName), (id and member), (member and id).Note that the use of ID as an individual filter, while valid, should be avoided as there is already a Get Group action available.Supported comparison operator in filters: eqFilter must be specified as: <filterAttribute> eq "<filterValue>"

Example Output

	"totalResults": 2,
	"itemsPerPage": 2,
	"startIndex": 1,
	"schemas": [
	"Resources": [
			"id": "90677c608a-ef9cb2da-d480-422b-9901-451b1bf9e607",
			"meta": {
				"resourceType": "Group",
				"created": "2020-07-22T23:10:21Z",
				"lastModified": "2020-07-22T23:10:21Z"
			"schemas": [
			"displayName": "Group Foo",
			"members": []
			"id": "90677c608a-95aca21b-4bb7-4161-94cb-d885e2920414",
			"meta": {
				"resourceType": "Group",
				"created": "2020-07-23T00:16:49Z",
				"lastModified": "2020-07-23T00:16:49Z"
			"schemas": [
			"displayName": "Group Beta",
			"members": []

Workflow Library Example

Sync Groups Between Azure Active Directory and Aws Sso

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