Basic Parameters

IP AddressThe IP address to search.
Max AgeDetermines how far back in days time the fetch reports go. Valid range is 1 - 365, default is 30.

Advanced Parameters

PageThe page number.
Per PageThe amount of reports in every page.

Example Output

{  "data": {   "total": 2840,   "page": 5,   "count": 25,   "perPage": 25,   "lastPage": 114,   "nextPageUrl": "",   "previousPageUrl": "",   "results": [       {           "reportedAt": "2022-05-01T21:00:03+00:00",           "comment": "Invalid user joseph from port 53860",           "categories": [               18,               22           ],           "reporterId": 43121,           "reporterCountryCode": "DE",           "reporterCountryName": "Germany"       },       {           "reportedAt": "2022-05-01T13:27:47+00:00",           "comment": "Apr 17 18:19:28 roki2 sshd\\[29767\\]: Invalid user gituser from\nApr 17 18:19:28 roki2 sshd\\[29767\\]: pam_unix\\(sshd:auth\\): authentication failure\\; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=\nApr 17 18:19:29 roki2 sshd\\[29767\\]: Failed password for invalid user gituser from port 54766 ssh2\nApr 17 22:28:47 roki2 sshd\\[10332\\]: Invalid user j2deployer from\nApr 17 22:28:47 roki2 sshd\\[10332\\]: pam_unix\\(sshd:auth\\): authentication failure\\; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=\n...",           "categories": [               18,               22           ],           "reporterId": 35071,           "reporterCountryCode": "US",           "reporterCountryName": "United States of America"       },       ...   ]   }}

Workflow Library Example

Get Reports with Abuseipdb and Send Results Via Email

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