Create Freeze Request
Create a freeze request.
External Documentation
To learn more, visit the Absolute documentation.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Device IDs | A comma seperated list or a JSON list of the device IDs to freeze. |
Freeze Date Time | The date and time (ISO 8601) the device should be frozenUse when freezeDefinition.deviceFreezeType is Scheduled . |
Freeze Message | The HTML content of the freeze message. Can be obtained by using the List Freeze Messages action and copying the content field. |
Freeze Type | The type of freeze request to create.
Message Name | The name of the message displayed to the frozen devices. Can be obtained by using the List Freeze Messages action and copying the name field. |
Offline Time | The amount of offline time a device needs to be in to become frozen. The time is in seconds. |
Request Title | The user action request title. |
Unfreeze Password | The unfreeze password to use for all devices. |
Unfreeze Password Length | A length of the randomly generated unfreeze password. Valid range is 4 - 8. |
Unfreeze Password Type | The type of unfreeze password to use.
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
E-mail Notifications | An array of email addresses to send notifications about the freeze action about. |
Example Output
"data": {
"requestUid": "The system-defined unique identifier of the Device Action request"
"metadata": {
"pagination": {
"nextPage": "The pagination token that can be used to get the next page of results"
Workflow Library Example
Create Freeze Request with Absolute and Send Results Via Email
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