There is an option to add your own custom table(s) to the already existing Case Management tables.

  1. In the Cases tab, click on the downward arrow beside the Attachment option, then select Add Table.
  1. Provide your table with a name and add a brief description (optional). Proceed by selecting the Create Table button.
  1. A popup will appear informing you that your custom table has been created. The screen will now show the newly created table.
  1. Select the icon next to your custom table’s name to access options for editing your custom table’s information, copying the table schema, copying the table ID, or deleting your custom table.

Filter Custom Tables by Case Type.

In your Custom Table, if you choose to display the “Linked Cases” column, you can configure it to filter the table by a specific Case Type.

  1. After creating your Custom Table, click the “eye icon” button and check the box next to the “Linked Cases” field. This will display the “Linked Cases” column in your Custom Table.


Next, click the icon next to “Linked Cases” and select “Edit.” A popup will appear. In the “Filter By Type” section, check the box next to the Case Types you want to filter the Custom Table by. If you do not select a Case Type under “Filter By Type” section, the Custom Table will be presented on all Cases.

  1. Now, when you view a Case’s Overview, your Custom Table will only show as a separate tab if the Case’s “Case Type” matches the case types you selected in step 2.