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Create a New Case

To create your first Blink case, follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. In your selected workspace, navigate to the sidebar and select the Cases option.

  2. Navigate to the top-right corner and click the New Case button.

  1. Fill in all the necessary fields and then select the Add Record button in the bottom-right corner.
NameThe name of the Case.
SeverityThe severity rank of your Case. It can be: Low, Medium, High or Critical.
StatusThe Case's Status
Case TypeThe type of case.
SummaryA brief summary of the case.
Case ManagerThe email address of the user who created the case.
TagsTags linked to the case.
SLAThe duration of time within which a task pertaining to the case must be completed before the SLA time period is reached.
CollaboratorsUsers who collaborate on the case
VendorsThe vendor associated with the Case
OverviewAn overview of the Case.
Mitre AttackA MITRE ATTACK method or strategy used in the attack. This helps categorize and understand the attack better. For more information about the MITRE ATTACK feature , click here