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Workflow Overview

Clicking on the "Overview" button on a workflow in a Pack will open the Workflow Overview page. This page displays general information and settings of the Automated workflow and allows you to edit these settings to meet your needs. On the left-hand side is a preview of the current published version of the selected automated workflow.


Published workflow versions may be different the the automated workflow version in the workflow editor.


Overview of an Automated Workflow

Workflow nameName of the Workflow.
Active/Inactive Published workflows can be switched between active or inactive mode.
Description Description of the Workflow.
Vendor The Vendor icon associated with the Workflow.
Tags Tags used to easily search for the Workflow.
RunnerEnvironment in which the Workflow is run. The default runner that is used is Blink-Cloud.
Serial Workflow RunsWhen a workflow is set to run in serial, it executes runes one after another in the order of occurrence. When turned off, the workflow
Run methodsMethods to run a Workflow (depending on the trigger type).
Self serviceExposes or hides the Workflow in the Self-service portal.
Notify on errorEmail address for notifications if errors occur during an execution.
Run workflow on error Enables a workflow to run when there is an error during an execution.

Filtering a Workflow by Tags:

  1. In the "Tags" section of the Workflow overview , you also have the option to create you own tag(s) for the Automated Workflow by entering a tag name of your choice.

  2. After creating a tag, you can simply locate it in the "Tags" section on the left-hand sidebar of the workflow page. Use this tag to easily search or filter the desired Workflow in both the workflows list and the self-service portal.

Workflow Editor and Workflow Run Logs

  1. Click anywhere on the workflow within the Workflow Pack.

  2. You will be directed to the workflow editor, where you can find two tabs at the top of the screen. The "Editor" tab is the default tab for editing the selected workflow and the "Run Log" tab to access the workflow's Run Logs.

  3. To view the workflows's Run Logs, select the Run Logs tab, and then choose the specific Automated Workflow's Run Log you wish to view. Next to each Automated Workflow, it will indicate whether it is a "Test Run Log" or an "Active Run Log" as well as the time selected Automated Workflow was executed.

  4. In the top right corner, you can click on the three dots button Thumbnail, a dialogue box will open offering three options: Edit Yaml where you can make any changes to the "YAML" format, "Settings" to view and edit details of the selected workflow, and Version History to access various version histories for the selected workflow.

Interactive Tutorial Guide:

You can also refer to the following tutorial guides for a more in-depth understanding of how to the Workflow Editor and Workflow Run Logs works

Re-run Previous Inputs of a Workflow's Execution

The "Rerun with published version" feature enables you to execute the current published version of a selected Workflow using the input parameter values from a previous execution.


Please note, that the "Rerun with published version" feature is only applicable for On-Demand Workflows.

  1. Navigate to the "Run Log" tab to access the Selected Workflow's Run Logs.

  2. In the left-hand sidebar, select the Thumbnail icon of the execution you want to re-run with its input parameter values. Then click the "Rerun with published version" button.

  1. A pop-up window will appear, showing all the input values from the selected run. If the published version has any new input parameters, they will also be displayed and you will need to fill them in.
  1. In the left-hand sidebar, you can find the re-run execution details, including the user who executed the workflow and time of execution, as well as the version from which the re-run was executed.

Autosave Workflow Draft

When you make edits to your workflow steps in the workflow editor, the system will save your changes automatically. To check the timestamp of your latest modifications, simply hover over the All Changes Saved link located in the top-right corner. Clicking on this link will open the workflow's version history, allowing you to review or restore its previous versions.


If workflow fails to save, such as during a lack of internet connection, the autosave indicator will display not saved. Hovering over the indicator will provide additional details, if relevant.


To avoid conflicts or potential loss of work, please be aware that concurrent editing is restricted. If a user is currently working in the editor, others will be unable to edit the same workflow to ensure a seamless process.

Viewing Automated Workflow Outputs

View past executions in the Execution History tab. The left-hand side of the screen lists a history of executions and their status. The status can be one of the following:

CompletedThumbnailThe Automation has run successfully.
StoppedThumbnailThe Automation has been stopped by the creator.
In progressThumbnailThe Automation is running.
PendingThumbnailA Step is pending human approval.
FailedThumbnailThe Automation failed to execute successfully.
Timed outThumbnailA Step has timed out as no approval was granted.
  1. Click on any execution and the details of that specific execution are displayed. On the top of the page, a status bar shows relevant information pertaining to the execution. Beneath it you can see input parameters entered by the user, and details of each Step.

  2. At the bottom of the page, click on an output parameter to see details about a specific output that was returned to the user.

Viewing the Event Payload of Event-Based Automated Workflow

See the payload that triggered a certain event.


Please note that this is relevant for workflows triggered by webhooks and pre-defined events.

  1. Navigate to see past executions in the Execution History tab and select an execution.

  2. View the event payload of an event-based Automation by clicking View Event next to the Trigger. An Event dialog box opens. You can copy the event to create another Automation.