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Publish Approval as the Builder


When publishing a workflow as a user without automation:publish permission, you will need to ask for approval from the workspace owner when creating a new workflow or making changes existing ones.

  1. After creating or changing the workflow as desired, click the "Publish: button in the top right corner.
  1. The Publish Approval pop-up will appear.

  2. Specify the approvers(s) whose approval you are seeking by selecting their names from the dropdown menu.

  1. Optional- You can leave a note for the approval describing your desired request.
  1. Confirm your request by clicking the "Request Approval" button.
  1. You will receive confirmation that your approval request was successful. Now, await a response from the workspace owner.
  1. Once the approver has made a decision, you'll be notified via email. The notification includes information about the workspace, the time of the request, the workflow's version, the equest ID, and any additional notes provided by the approver.
  1. For a more in-depth look at the approval request outcome, click the "Review Workflow" button.
  1. A popup displaying the workflow will appear, featuring the approval status in the top-left corner, the workflow's name, the workflow(s) version history, the option to edit the workflow in the top-right corner, and any comments left by the approver. The builder can include their comments, triggering an email notification to the approver.

Please note that if the workspace owner approves the request, the builder will be allowed to publish this version of the workflow, as long as it stays unchanged or no newer version has been published.

Approval Management as a Workspace Builder

In the sidebar, you can access the Approval Management page, where a table contains details about the workflow(s) you have submitted for approval requests.


You can call also request a Publish Approval request from the Approval Management Table by clicking the Thumbnail icon in and selecting a request action.
