Basic Parameters

FiltersJSON string URI encoded set of fiters.
LimitLimit the return results.
OffsetUsed to page through results.

Advanced Parameters

Add Ancestorsshow rules where the asset is part of a group.
Add Builtinsshow global rules.
Entity ParamsJSON string URI encoded object {id: string, direction: AssetDirection}.
With Countreturn count of objects.

Example Output

{    "items": [        {            "action": 0,            "activitiesCount": 0,            "approvedAt": 0,            "approvedBy": {                "id": "EntityId",                "name": "Entity Name"            },            "createdAt": 0,            "createdBy": {                "createdBy": {                    "id": "EntityId",                    "name": "Entity Name"                },                "enforcementSource": 0,                "userRole": 0            },            "description": "string",            "direction": 0,            "excludedEntityInfos": [                {                    "id": "EntityId",                    "name": "Entity Name"                }            ],            "excludedLocalIdsList": [                "string"            ],            "expiresAt": 0,            "id": "uuid",            "localEntityId": "string",            "localEntityInfo": {                "assetStatus": 0,                "assetType": 0,                "assignedDeploymentId": "string",                "domain": "domain.local",                "fqdn": "laptoppc.domain.local",                "healthState": {                    "healthIssuesList": [                        {                            "details": "string",                            "issueCode": 0                        }                    ],                    "healthStatus": 0                },                "id": "a:a:6d020055",                "identityProtectedAt": 0,                "identityProtectionState": 0,                "ipV4Addresses": [                    ""                ],                "ipV6Addresses": [                    "string"                ],                "lastLogon": 0,                "lastLogonTimestamp": 0,                "name": "laptoppc",                "operatingSystem": "Windows 10 Pro",                "passwordUpdateTime": 0,                "principalName": "string",                "protectAt": 0,                "protectionState": 0,                "rpcMonitored": false,                "source": 0,                "state": {                    "assetId": "string",                    "identityProtectedAt": 0,                    "identityProtectionState": 0,                    "isAssetConnected": false,                    "lastConnectedAt": 0,                    "lastDisconnectedAt": 0,                    "protectedAt": 0,                    "protectionState": 0                }            },            "localProcessesList": [                "string"            ],            "parentId": "string",            "parentType": 0,            "portsList": [                {                    "ports": "string",                    "protocolType": 0                }            ],            "remoteEntityIdsList": [                "string"            ],            "remoteEntityInfos": [                {                    "id": "EntityId",                    "name": "Entity Name"                }            ],            "ruleclass": 0,            "state": 0,            "updatedAt": 0,            "updatedBy": {                "id": "EntityId",                "name": "Entity Name"            }        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

List Inbound Allow Policies with Zero Networks and Send Results Via Email

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