This action has been deprecated and will no longer be available in new workflows.

Send a message to multiple users.


BlocksA JSON-based array of structured blocks.
EmailsComma separated user Email addresses.
MentionsUser emails to mention in the message, separated by commas.
TextMessage contents.

Example Output

{    "ok": true,    "channel": "C04BDHY99NV",    "ts": "1668527395.487399",    "message": {        "bot_id": "B02PJCV1QKB",        "type": "message",        "text": "this is example text",        "user": "U02P2RBCW6R",        "ts": "1668527395.487399",        "app_id": "A02NB62TUMN",        "blocks": [            {                "type": "rich_text",                "block_id": "Ye=",                "elements": [                    {                        "type": "rich_text_section",                        "elements": [                            {                                "type": "text",                                "text": "this is example text"                            }                        ]                    }                ]            }        ],        "team": "T01NVABR4UW",        "bot_profile": {            "id": "B02PJCV1QKB",            "app_id": "A02NB62TUMN",            "name": "Blink",            "icons": {                "image_36": "",                "image_48": "",                "image_72": ""            },            "deleted": false,            "updated": 1639646274,            "team_id": "T01NVABR4UW"        }    }}