NOTE: Newly created customers may take a minute to show up in a search result due to API limitations.


FieldsShow only certain fields, specified by a comma-separated list of field names.
LimitThe maximum number of results to show. (default: 50, maximum: 250).
QueryText to search for in the shop’s customer data.Example: email:*@mail.example.comNote: Supported queries: acceptsmarketing, activationdate, address1, address2, city, company, country, customerdate, customerfirstname, customerid, customerlastname, customertag, email, emailmarketingstate, firstname, firstorderdate, id, lastabandonedorderdate, lastname, multipassidentifier, orderscount, orderdate, phone, province, shopid, state, tag, totalspent, updatedat, verifiedemail, productsubscriber_status. All other queries returns all customers.
Return All PagesAutomatically fetch all resources, page by page.
Sort OrderSet the field and direction by which to order results. (default: last_order_date DESC).

Workflow Library Example

Search Customers with Shopify and Send Results Via Email

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