• Least privileged Microsoft Graph permission to access the action via application: Mail.ReadWrite.
Note: Using the delegated (OAuth) connection type will only allow to insert the connected user's ID.

To learn more, visit the Microsoft Outlook documentation.


From DateDate from which to show all new messages.
Order ByOrder the results by one or more properties and their correlating directions.Example: receivedDateTime desc
User ID or User Principal NameThe ID or userPrincipalName of the user.

Example Output

{    "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('bb8775a4-4d8c-42cf-a1d4-4d58c2bb668f')/messages(sender,subject)",    "value": [        {            "@odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABYAAADHcgC8Hl9tRZ/hc1wEUs1TAAAwR4Hg\"",            "id": "AAMkAGUAAAwTW09AAA=",            "subject": "You have late tasks!",            "sender": {                "emailAddress": {                    "name": "Microsoft Planner",                    "address": "noreply@Planner.Office365.com"                }            }        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

List User Messages with Microsoft Outlook and Send Results Via Email

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