Editing a Case
Editing a Case in the Case’s Overview
In the Case table, click on the Case you want to edit. The Case Overview will open, displaying all the details for that Case.
Case Name
- You can keep the default Case Name or change it by double-clicking on it and entering a new name.
Severity Level
- Edit the Severity level of your case by selecting one of the following options: Low, Medium, High, or Critical.
Case Type
- Select a different Case Type for the case from the available options.
Case Tags
- Categorize your case by attaching relevant tags. Simply check the boxes corresponding to your preferred tags.
Case Status
- You can edit the current Status of the case, from available status options.
Case Manager
- Assign a Case Manager by either selecting or searching the name of the responsible individual who will oversee the case. Only a Blink User can be assigned as a Case Manager.
Case SLA
- Edit the SLA for the selected case by choosing a time duration in Days, Hours, or Minutes.
Case Status SLA
- Edit the Status SLA for the selected case by choosing a time duration in Days, Hours, or Minutes.
The Timeline section provides a comprehensive history of the case, including its creation and any subsequent modifications and edits.
To streamline your search for specific case-related details, use the search bar or click the filter icon to narrow down information based on case Details, case objects, users, or timeframes.
You can edit any comments already posted in the timeline by clicking the icon next to the comment you would like to edit, making your desired changes, and clicking save.
Note We ensure a secure and forensically reliable case timeline, with all edits comprehensively logged.
Within the timeline section, you have the option to tag a user by using the @ symbol followed by their name.
You have the ability to effortlessly attach a file by either dragging and dropping it into the designated area or by clicking the paper clip icon and selecting the desired file for inclusion in the timeline section.
Case Overview
The Summary Section
All customer case data is securely stored within the Blink platform, following the same protocols as other operational data, including structured data, for instance, tables. These clesecurity measures are applied uniformly to all hybrid customer environments. To generate case summaries, Blink utilizes Google’s Vertex AI model. Google ensures, per their terms of service, that any data inputted into the model is not stored or used beyond the prompt.
Please note that Blink does not utilize customer data for AI model training purposes. We strictly adhere to industry-standard security practices, ensuring that your data remains protected and is neither stored nor repurposed for AI model development.
Safe Use of AI
Case data for all customers is securely stored within the Blink platform, following the same protocols as other operational data, like tables. This process is uniformly applied to all hybrid customers. To create case summaries, we leverage Google’s Vertex AI model, with Google’s assurance, as outlined in their terms of service, that any data used in the prompt will not be saved or used.
It is important to note that Blink does not use customer data for AI training. We adhere to industry standards to ensure your data remains secure, never stored or utilized for these purposes
The Notes Section
In the “Notes” section, you can add specific notes related to your case.This area allows you to personalize and format your text using rich text available in the notes editor. The notes section follows an HTML format. Once you’ve made your changes, simply click “Save” to apply them.
You can also access only the notes section by clicking on the “Notes” tab, located next to the “Overview” tab.
Alerts Section
Underneath the Notes and Summary table, you can find all the alerts linked to the selected Case.
You can also access the alerts table, located next to the “Notes” tab.
- Next to the Overview tab, you can access the “Observables Table”, the “Attachments Table”, the “Tasks Table”, “Custom Tables” and “Linked Cases” for the selected case by clicking the corresponding tabs. To edit any of these items, double-click on the relevant table row. After making changes, click anywhere on the screen to save.
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