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Updating a Runner

For the best experience and performance, ensure that you always install the latest version of the runner. Blink runners are automatically updated by default. It is possible to disable auto-updating, and alternatively update runners manually using one of the following options described below.

For the best experience and performance, ensure that you always install the latest version of the runner. Blink runners are automatically updated by default. It is possible to disable auto-updating, and alternatively update runners manually using one of the following options described below.

Disabling Auto-Update of a Runner

Auto-updating is enabled by default. To disable, do as follows:

  1. On the Blink platform, in the lower-left corner, click your initials > Account Settings > General.
  2. Deselect Enable runner auto upgrade. Runners will not be updated as new versions are available.

Option 1: Updating a Runner Manually

A runner can be updated manually from the Runners page. In the Version column, updated runners name and version appear in white, and runners that need to be updated have a warning sign next to their version.

  1. To manually update a runner, navigate to the Blink Runners page. In the Version column, you'll see up-to-date runners displayed in white, while those requiring updates appear in yellow. To update a runner, simply click on the version highlighted in yellow. Once the update is complete, the runner's version will change to white, indicating it is up-to-date.

  2. To see the status of the Runner, click Thumbnail > Edit. As the Runner is being updated, the status will change from Connected to Shutting down, and back to Connected.


Option 2: Manual Update via CloudFormation

To update a runner via CloudFormation stack configuration, assuming you have a runner that was deployed via CloudFormation, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the deployed CloudFormation stack via the AWS console.

  2. In the RunnerVersion parameter, update the value to the new runner version.

  3. Redeploy the CloudFormation stack.

Option 3: Updating a Runner via CLI

Kubernetes Manual Update via CLI

To update a Runner via the CLI in the Helm client, use the following command:

helm upgrade -n blink --reuse-values --set image.tag=<version> blink-runner oci://

Docker Manual Update via CLI

To update a Runner via the CLI in the Docker client, use the following command:

docker kill -signal "SIGINT" && docker rm -f blink-runner && \
docker run -d --name blink-runner -e CTRL_URL= -e BLINK_RUNNER_CONFIG=/blink/config.yml \
--restart unless-stopped -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--add-host "host.docker.internal:host-gateway" \
blinkops/blink-runner:<version> ./blink-runner -auth <apikey>