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There is an option to add a task table to the already existing Case Management tables.

Create a Task

  1. In the Tasks tab, click on the downward arrow beside the Attachment option, then select Tasks.
  1. Create a new task by selecting the New Task button in the top-right corner.
  1. Fill in all the necessary fields and then select the Add Task button in the bottom-right corner.
NameThe name of the task.
Prioritythe priority rank of the task- Low, Medium, High or Critical.
StatusThe status of the task
DescriptionA brief description describing the task.
Assign TaskA user you assigning the task to.
Due DateA date and time for when the task is due.
Block Closing Case Until it is DoneChecking the the box will block the closing case until ut is done.
Linked AlertsThe Alert(s) to link to the task.
Linked IOCsThe IOCs to link to the task
Linked AttachmentsThe Attachment(s) to link to the task.
Linked TasksThe Tasks(s) to link to a task.
Linked CasesThe Case(s) to link to a task.