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In the Cases Tab, you can find everything related to the Cases you have created.


The Cases table includes the following fields:

SeverityThis is the severity rank of your Case.
Case IDThis is the case's ID number.
NameThe name of the Case.
SummaryA summary of the Case.
Case TypeThe type of Case.
TagsTags given to the Case.
SLAThe SLA represents the time the Case will expire
Created AtDate and time the Case was created.
Case ManagerThe person who manages the Case.
Mitre AttackA MITRE ATTACK method or strategy used in the attack. This helps categorize and understand the attack better. For more information about the MITRE ATTACK feature , click here
CollaboratorsUsers who collaborate on the case
StatusStatus of the Case.
ResponseCase Management Response Actions.
Close ReasonThe reason why the case was closed
Closed AtDate and time the Case was closed.

You can also select multiple records in the table by selecting the checkboxes next the the records. A floating bar will appear at the top of the screen with the options to change the status of multiple cases, export the selected records to CSV or to delete the selected records.


Response Field

The Response field enables you to add incident response workflows, customized for each table of the Case Management tables. The workflows associated with a table can be then activated by Case Management users.

  1. Select the Thumbnail icon and an edit option will appear.
  1. A popup will appear with the option to Add Action.
  1. Proceed to select the Add Action option and give the new action a name, choose the desired Workflow, enable for types and then click the apply configuration button.
  1. You will have the choice to either add another action or save the one you just made.
  1. Once completed and saved, you can then trigger all the workflow actions within the dropdown menu for actions

Editing Case Status's

  1. You can customize your case's status by clicking on Thumbnail icon next top the Status field in the case table and selecting the edit option.
  1. You can edit your case's status by modifying the names, the color that represents the status and add your own active statuses.
  1. Lastly, you can modify the SLA for the maximum time a case can remain in the specific status.
  1. After you have made your desired changes click the Save button.

Case Settings

In the top-right corner, click on the three dots button Thumbnail and you will the presented with the Additional Information, the Export Case option, the Close Case option and the Delete Case option.

Additional Information

In the Additional information option, you will be presented with all the information pertaining to the selected Cases such as:

  • The user who created the Case
  • The date and time the selected case was last updated.
  • The vendors associated with the selected case. You can add more vendors by checking the box next to a vendor or remove one by unchecking the box.
  • The Mitre Attacks associated with the selected case. You can add more Mitre Attack options by checking the box next to a category or remove one by unchecking the box.
  • A checked box indicating the selected case was closed by a Workflow. If the box is not checked, then the selected case was manually closed by a user.

Export Case

The Export Case option , will automatically download a ZIP file containing PDF files and CSV files all pertaining to the selected case.


Close Case

The Close Case option , opens a pop-up where you can:

  • Modify the reason for closing the selected case.
  • Manage attachments by adding attachments up to 500MBin size
  • Update or add details related to the reason for closing the case

Click the "Save" button to apply any changes made.


Delete Case

The Delete Case option will delete the selected case.
