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Blink User Roles

When utilizing the Blink Platform, users are designated various roles. You can have different user roles assigned within two distinct scopes: the Tenant scope and the Workspace scope. Each of these scopes—Tenant and Workspace—comes with its own set of unique built-in user roles and user role permissions.Each Blink user, has one Tenant role, and a Workspace role for each Workspace they're a member of. Workspace roles can differ between Workspace. For example, a user can be an Owner in one Workspace, but a Contributor in another.


Please note that users holding a Tenant Admin Role have editing permissions across all tenant workspaces.


Roles Table

Role NameThe different User Role.
DescriptionDescription of the User Roles.
TypeBuilt-In or custom Blink User Role.
ScopeThe scope in which the user role falls under- Workspace or Tenant.
UsersThe Blink User the Role is being assigned to.
PermissionsAccess permissions given to the selected User Role.

Tenant User Role Scope:

Under the Tenant User Role Scope , you can be assigned a built-in user role as an admin, builder, consumer or any custom user role created in your Tenant.


As an Admin, you have full access to all Workspaces and control over all tenant settings.

Admin Permissions Table

Account SettingsView entities and settings.account:view
Account SettingsInvite users to the account.account:invite
Account SettingsCreate entities and update all settings.account:edit
Self-Service PortalView Servicesself_service_portal:service:view
Self-Service PortalView Appsself_service_portal:app:view
Self-Service PortalExecute Servicesself_service_portal:service:execute
Self-Service PortalExecute Appsself_service_portal:app:execute
WorkspacesView Workspacesworkspace:view


As a Consumer, you have full access to Self-service portal access and read only access to Case management

Consumer Permissions Table

Self-Service PortalView Servicesself_service_portal:service:view
Self-Service PortalView Appsself_service_portal:app:view
Self-Service PortalExecute Servicesself_service_portal:service:execute
Self-Service PortalExecute Appsself_service_portal:app:execute


As a Builder, you have access to workspaces you are a member of and have full access to the Self Service Portal.

Builder Permissions Table

Self-Service PortalView Servicesself_service_portal:service:view
Self-Service PortalView Appsself_service_portal:app:view
Self-Service PortalExecute Servicesself_service_portal:service:execute
Self-Service PortalExecute Appsself_service_portal:app:execute
WorkspacesView Workspacesworkspace:view

Workspaces User Role Scope

Under the Workspace User Role Scope , you can be assigned a built-in role as a contributor or owner. or any custom Workspace user role created in your Tenant.

To assign a user a Workspace Role , follow these instructions.


As an owner, you have full access to the workspace and workspace settings.

Owner Permissions Table

AppsView existing applicationsapp:view
AppsCreate and edit applicationsapp:edit
WorkflowsView existing Workflowsworkflow:view
WorkflowsCreate and edit Workflowsworkflow:edit
Case ManagementView existing casescase_management:view
Case ManagementCreate and edit cases.case_management:edit
Case ManagementManage case management settings.case_management:admin
ConnectionsView existing connectionsconnections:view
ConnectionsCreate and edit connectionsconnections:edit
Global VariablesView existing global variablesglobal_variables:view
Global VariablesCreate and edit global variablesglobal_variables:edit
RunnersView existing runnersrunners:view
RunnersCreate and edit runnersrunners:edit
TablesView existing tablestables:view
TablesCreate and edit tablestables:edit
WorkspacesUpdate workspace settingsworkspaces:edit
WorkspacesDelete workspacesworkspaces:delete


As a contributor, you have full access to the workspaces.

Contributor Permissions Table

AppsView existing applicationsapp:view
AppsCreate and edit applicationsapp:edit
WorkflowsView existing workflowsWorkflow:view
WorkflowsCreate and edit workflowsworkflow:edit
Case ManagementView existing casescase_management:view
Case ManagementCreate and edit cases.case_management:edit
Case ManagementManage case management settings.case_management:admin
ConnectionsView existing connectionsconnections:view
ConnectionsCreate and edit connectionsconnections:edit
Global VariablesView existing global variablesglobal_variables:view
Global VariablesCreate and edit global variablesglobal_variables:edit
RunnersView existing runnersrunners:view
RunnersCreate and edit runnersrunners:edit
TablesView existing tablestables:view
TablesCreate and edit tablestables:edit


As a viewer, you can only observe the mentioned features without the ability to edit or create them.

Viewer Permissions Table

AppsView existing applicationsapp:view
WorkflowsView existing workflowsworkflow:view
Case ManagementView existing casesworkflow:view
ConnectionsView existing connectionsconnections:view
Global VariablesView existing global variablesglobal_variables:view
RunnersView existing runnersrunners:view
TablesView existing tablestables:view

In the top-right corner, click on New Role, which will take you to a page where you can customize user role permissions by selecting the relevant checkboxes for a specific user.

Adding a New Role

  1. In the top-right corner, click on New Role button in the top right-corner.

  2. A dialogue box will open, displaying all user role permissions.

  3. Add a Role Name and a Role Description.

  4. Select a Role Scope by selecting between a Tenant Role or a Workspace Role from the dynamic dropdown.


Please note that Tenant Role or a Workspace Role have different access permissions.

  1. Then, select the relevant checkboxes to customize user role permissions and then click the create icon.
